The classification of the subject field of managing the attractiveness factors of an integrated product for cruise service consumers

  • Petrova G.A.

    G. A. Petrova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • D.A. Guseva

    D.A.Guseva. Vladivostok Information Center. Vladivostok.Russia


This article presents the results of conducted research on consumer motivation in the cruise industry. The purpose of the work is to formalize the structure of the subject area of managing factors of attractiveness of services for consumers of an integrated cruise
product. The methodological basis of the research is an integrated economic approach to the formation of the field of management of factors of attractiveness of an integrated cruise product at the regional level. The paper uses the structural and functional method,
content analysis, system analysis, classification, generalization and formalization. The paper identifies 30 factors of motivational impact on cruise service consumers that corresponds to five levels of the target audience's needs: safety, physiological, entertainment
needs, image and product content. It has been suggested that the structure of the subject area of managing the attractiveness of an integrated product of cruise tourism should be divided into main and additional categories. The scientific novelty of the research
lies in clarifying the concept of an integrated cruise product. The practical significance of this work leis in identification and classifying conceptual groups of factors that can be the basis for developing a methodological approach to the formation of a strategy
for the development of the cruise industry in the region in the post-crisis period.

Keywords: cruise industry, factors of tourist motivation, integrated cruise product, cruise services,importance of needs, classification of service factors, cruise business, cruise product consumer.